Shooting Stars
Points on practice: Thursday, September 16, 2010
1. Mechanics
2. Dribbling
3. Passing and moving off the ball
4. Coverage
5. Scrimmage
Warm up: pass around
Team gather: news and coach’s talk (bring it in with a hand, call “Shooting Stars,” and then form a semi-circle and take a knee)
Warm up: Everyone dribble to far end line, stop, and dribble back
Mechanics: (split with three coaches – every ball is trapped with the inside of the foot)
1. Inside right foot
2. Inside left foot
3. Laces right foot
4. Laces left foot
5. One touch
6. Free kick
7. Throw in
8. (repeat)
Dribbling: (still split in three groups)
1. Inside of feet
2. Outside of feet
3. Both inside and outside of feet
Passing: (give-and-go with inside and outside of feet with anticipated passing – passing to the space in front of the moving teammate)
Coverage: (Asst coaches run players through a drill where at first coach passes to one player covered by one defender; then two offensive players get a pass to one and then the other with two players defending. During this time, one coach will be working with the four players who will be keepers during the next game)
Scrimmage: (this should be about half of the practice unless we are running behind with the other drills; teams will be divided evenly with each group coached by and assistant coach who will play a position if we are short players - the setup will be the diamond defense – sweeper, stopper, right back, left back – for each side with a keeper.) Right and left backs will take all throw-ins, sweepers will take all goal kicks and stoppers will take all corner kicks. Each side will be shifted clockwise by the coach every 3 minutes – including keeper. All players will be keeper in practice.
During the scrimmage, play will be stopped on the whistle and all players will have to repeat any mistaken play (throw-ins will be done until mastered, etc). We will talk about every foul and mistake and players will learn to play to the whistle. Coaches – if they can – will speak with players during play about position, technique and mechanics.